Schurig Center is pleased to provide this directory to assist acquired brain injury survivors in identifying services in the community. Listing in this directory is not intended to be an endorsement. While we have tried to verify these resources as thoroughly as possible, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of all information. If you find you are in need of a resource that is not listed or know of other resources that are not included, please contact us at
These services are not offered by or affiliated with Schurig Center. Please contact the organization in the listing directly for more information about their services.
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Marin Holistic Health & Acupuncture
Dr. Anjie Ro-Trock, RN, L.Ac, DACM, has 27 years of experience diagnosing and caring for her patients. She specializes in treating neurological conditions such as stroke, parkinsons and multiple sclerosis, as well as pain syndromes. Dr. Anjie is also pleased to make patient house calls by appointment. You can learn more about Dr. Anjie and Marin Holistic Health & Acupuncture on her website: Or, call 415-226-9439.
85 Bolinas Road, Suite 5 Fairfax CA 94930