Schurig Center is pleased to provide this directory to assist acquired brain injury survivors in identifying services in the community. Listing in this directory is not intended to be an endorsement. While we have tried to verify these resources as thoroughly as possible, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of all information. If you find you are in need of a resource that is not listed or know of other resources that are not included, please contact us at
These services are not offered by or affiliated with Schurig Center. Please contact the organization in the listing directly for more information about their services.
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Parents Helping Parents
Free support group for parents of children who have experienced stroke, TBI, and concussions, focusing on supports and services for post-hospitalization life.
Join this group to get information about supporting someone living with childhood brain injury.
This session will include a supportive discussion about living with childhood brain injury (including but not limited to TBI, stroke, concussion), facilitated by Dr. Bethany Johnson-Kerner, MD, PhD.
Dr. Bethany is a child neurologist and program director of the Brain Recovery Education (BREd) project at UCSF. She will share information about medical supports (and shortcomings!) and would like to learn from parents as well as connect families to one another who are walking this path.
Upcoming meetings:
September 21, 2022: What is a TBI/concussion and what can I expect afterward?
October 12, 2022: Working with the school and your healthcare team
November 2, 2022: Support resources beyond the school and hospital
1400 Parkmoor Ave, #100 San Jose CA 95126